To Buy

1 to 50 Copies
Easiest way is from Amazon (release date was April 30, 2012). However, I have no idea how Amazon sets it pricing--it seems to differ from person to person and from day to day, so that I've seen prices from  $12.10 all the way to $17.99 (= full retail). It is eligible for free super saver shipping on orders over $25, also Amazon Prime shipping.

Also available directly from the publisher, Judson Press:

Also available at seminary bookstores and general Christian bookstores, probably in the "Worship" or "Worship and Liturgy" section.

Also available for order from your local independent bookstore, it deserves your business!

Also available from me directly if we see each other or have mutual friends who do.

Digital Copies
I see now (early June, 2012) that there is a Kindle version available on Amazon for $9.99. I don't have a Kindle so would love to hear from anyone whether this works well.

Bulk Orders
Contact for pricing. This will generally not be better than $10/copy + shipping, depending on the particulars.

1 comment:

  1. You might suggest special-ordering it from your local bookstore, to help keep those alive.


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